2024 - Hosted MLB Play Ball and co-hosted the IL Juniors baseball state tournament. Ron Meyers awarded the Joe Price Award.2023 - Field 1 was converted to be used by AA, AAA, Majors, and Intermediate. Junior baseball Orioles won the TOC.2022 - New roof installed on the south side concession stand. The north side concession stand interior and exterior, sheds, announcer’s booths, and dugouts were all repainted by Elgin National volunteers. Irrigation system installed on F-7 (Senior Field). We hosted the Hamm’s Tournament as well as All-Star softball and baseball tournaments2021 - Dugout gates installed on F-2 and F-4 on South Side, F-6 softball field renovation, both completed with grant money from Parks and Rec. Sod cutter was purchased by ENLL for cutting infield lips and infield cleaning. Sheds cleaned and repair work done on F-6 and F-8 sheds. We hosted the Hamm’s Tournament and the Softball regular season tournament on the south fields. On the north side we hosted the baseball All-Star 11 year-old area tournament and the baseball All-Star 1year-old sectional tournament. Major Baseball Mariners win the South Elgin Sperry Tournament. Ron Banwart was awarded Elgin National's Joe Price Volunteer Award.2020 - Elgin National Little League cancels the 2020 Little League season due to COVID-19 pandemic. Elgin National did host 104 games for Diamond Sports Promotions on Senior Field. Senior Field was renovated with new infield sod and is now a duel field. Portable toilet enclosure is finished on the north side. New LED lights are installed on South Side Concession Stand. Elgin National hosts delayed Hamm's Tournament in September, as South Elgin White wins the tournament. Longtime Little League Volunteer, Tim Meyer and wife Kim retire to Tennessee.2019 - Ron Meyers awarded the Vic Masi Service Award by the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame for 2019. Mike Levitke awarded the Joe Price Award posthumously. Fences along foul lines installed on Senior Field. Enclosure for portable toilets is started on North Side. Elgin High School Softball plays its first game ever at Elgin National on their Senior's Game. South Elgin Red wins the 63rd Hamm's Tournament. New LED Message Board installed on South Side concession stand.2018 - Elgin National installs new scoreboards on Field #1 and Field #5. Storage enclosure on south side completed for storing of field mixes. New steel roof installed on south side storage shed. Elgin Classic Cubs win Hamm's Tournament. Darrin Perry awarded Joe Price Award posthumously.2017 - Senior Baseball Yankees win District TOC.2016 - New lights installed on Softball field and common areas around the fields are paved to provide for easier access to patrons.2015 - Junior Baseball team won District Championship. ENLL Celebrates 65th anniversary.2014 -Junior Baseball team won District Championship.2013 - Elgin National is chosen for Big League Softball Central States Regional Tournament. New scoreboard is installed on Field #2, and the Joe Sandman Field sign is presented to the family at the tournament. New Joe Sandman sign will be installed for 2014 Opening day. Junior Baseball Cardinals win Metro League Championship. Hamm's Tournament is won by the Elgin National Indians. Senior Softball are District 13 Champions.2011 - Junior Softball won the District 13 Tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament. Big League Softball Team are State Champions and play in the Central Region Tournament.2010 - Major baseball moves to 50/70 format and converts Field #1 to 50/70 infield. Tigers, Reds, and Phillies are the 50/70 teams completing in the Metro League. Elgin American Little League disbands and now becomes Elgin National. Elgin National now consists of the fields both South and North of Summit Street. Elgin National celebrates its 60th Anniversary serving the children of Elgin. Junior Dodgers win Metro League Championship posting a 27-6 record.2009 - Junior Softball won the Section 3 Tournament to go on to the State Tournament. Senior Softball Team won the District 13 Tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament.2007 - Senior Softball Team won the District 13 Tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament. Big League Softball Team are State Champions and play in the Central Region Tournament.2006 - Elgin National host its 50th Hamm's Tournament, the second longest running Little League Tournament. Players from all teams receive special hats and pins. Senior Softball team won the District 13 Tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament.
2004 - Major Softball won the District 13 tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament.
2005 - Junior Softball won the District 13 tournament to go on to the Sectional Tournament.
2002 - Junior baseball Cardinals win Metro League Championship again, going undefeated with a 29-0 record. Junior All-Stars made it to State Tournament, finishing 3rd.2001 - Mike Bailey’s Junior Cardinals win the Junior League Metro Championship. Senior Softball team wins State Tournament.2000 - Elgin National celebrates 50th Anniversary, welcoming back former players, coaches and Board Members to Opening Day. Former ENLL coach and current Mayor, Ed Shock, throws out the first pitch.1999 - Ron Banwart’s Junior Brooklyn Dodgers win the Junior League Metro Championship for the first time for Elgin National.1998 - Improvements include a paved picnic area and covered sandbox for small children. A’s win third consecutive Major championship, while Marlins win third consecutive Major softball title. First ever 11-year old baseball invitational All-sStar tournament organized and held at Elgin National.1997 - The Major softball team finishes second to national finalist, Brookfield, in the Illinois state championship. Tee ball division expands to add Instructional League for 5-6 year olds.1996 - The Major softball team finishes 2nd in the state. 9-10 softball All-Stars finish 3rd in the state. The Major baseball A’s win the Hamm’s tournament. Elgin National hosts its first ever Central States Major softball tournament.1995 - Big League Softball win Illinois State and advance to World Series to place 3rd in the nation. 9-10 softball All-Stars finish 3rd in the state.1994 - Big League Softball win Illinois State and advance to the World Series to place 4th in the nation. Bartlett Blue Jays won the Hamm’s tournament. 9-10 Softball All-Stars finish 2nd in the state. Junior baseball All-Stars finish 2nd in the state.1993 - Major Softball All-Stars and Big League Softball win State Championship in their respective divisions. Bartlett Blue Jays win the Hamm’s tournament.1992 - 12 year old All-Stars won Area Tournament. Angels and Cardinals split the Co-Champion League Title. Big League Softball All-Star team won State Championship and went on to the regional Tournament at South Bend, Indiana, where they came in 2nd. Second storage shed built on field for equipment, new scoreboard put up on Field 2, and an announcer’s booth on Field 2.1991 - Diamond #2 was expanded and equipped with lights. League celebrates 40th anniversary with commemorative pin. Joe Cecala’s Cardinals won 7th league title and Hamm’s tourney, retiring the trophy for ENLL a second time.1990 - ENLL celebrates its 40th season. State of the art scoreboard installed on diamond #1. Angels won 3rd straight championship.1989 - Organized tee ball teams began playing scheduled games. Howie Bierman’s Senior softball team win state title. Dean Lane’s Major baseball place 3rd in state.1988 - Senior softball took 2nd in the state. 10 year olds repeated as champions in Streamwood’s tournament.1987 - Fences on Major diamond were moved back to tournament dimensions. Tom O’Herron’s 10 year old All-Stars took 1st place in first ever 10-year old tournament in Streamwood. Paul Britto’s Indians won league title and Hamm’s tourney.1986 - New light poles installed in preparation of moving fence back on Major diamond. Senior softball added, Giants won 3rd straight title.1985 - Minor league teams were reorganized into Eastern and Western divisions. ENLL hosted the Major baseball State tournament; ENLL Major baseball took 2nd in the state. Giants won the Hamm’s.1983 - Tee ball was added as a separate division, meeting on Saturday mornings. Two teams were formed—the red team and the blue team.1982 - Gary Hewitt’s Major baseball finished 3rd in state; Cardinals repeated as League champs.1979 - Bob Nelson’s Major baseball All-Stars win State Championship, ENLL's 3rd state title.1978 - Giants became 7th ENLL winners of Hamm’s Tourney.1976 - Meeting/storage room was added to concession stand.1975 - During the League’s 25th anniversary season, Mike Bailey’s Major baseball All-Stars and Yvonne Neisler’s Major softball All-Stars win Illinois State tournaments to become state champions.1974 - Softball added to league. Keeney’s Tigers set new win streak to 38 games.1973 - Tigers win Hamm’s tournament, making ENLL the second league to retire the Hamm’s trophy by winning three straight tournaments.1972 - Dodgers become the 2nd ENLL team in a row to win Hamm’s.1971 - Mike Bailey’s Cardinals won their first ever league title and launched a record breaking 27 game winning streak. Hamm’s tourney won by Cards.1968 - Major division expanded to 8 teams with them addition of the Angels and Mets. Minors reach their limit at 16 teams, creating two 8 team divisions.1966 - Minor division expanded to 12 teams1965 - ENLL expanded minors to 8 teams, plus two farm teams.1963 - Headed by Dean Gray, lights on major diamond were installed.1962 - Tigers won 9th title in 12 years.1961 - ENLL Major division expanded to six teams adding Dodgers and Giants.1960 - ENLL Minor division expanded to six teams.1959 - Hawks became first ENLL team to win Hamm’s Tournament. ENLL All-Stars win state championship.1958 - Concession stand and facilities were constructed. The field dedicated to Otto Norman and Benny Hoffman, two league founders, named “Norman-Hoffman Field.” The post-season Fred Hamm Tournament (now known as the “Hamm’s Memorial Tournament of Champions”) began, bringing area champions together.1956 - Elgin American build its own park across Summit Street. ENLL took sole possession of areas on south side of street. All games in 1956 were broadcast on radio. Keeney’s Tigers took 5th title in six years.1953 - Elgin National's present diamond was constructed. Elgin American Little League was formed to meet overwhelming demand; both leagues shared the same new diamond.1952 - Elgin National moved to Channing Park.1951 - Elgin’s first Little League is formed and given the name “Elgin National”. Orlow Davis of the United Civic Association heads organizing group. First try-outs at Wing Park drew over 1,000 boys, competing for spots on the four original teams of Cardinals, Hawks, Indians, and Tigers. Jacque Keeney’s Tigers win first league championship.
709 Summit Street Elgin, Illinois 60120